Our Approach

Lived Experience

A key feature of our work at On The Verge Leeds is using our lived experience of the criminal justice system to guide and support others and raise awareness of the benefits of this approach.

Our Approach: Our approach indicates recognition of lived experience & its effectiveness and success in addressing & challenging the concepts of gangs, exploitation, and violence. 

Lived Experience at the Heart of the Solution: Trained staff with lived experience are central to the approach. Their personal experiences with gangs, exploitation, and violence provides a unique perspective, a deep understanding of the challenging concepts faced by young people in similar situations. 

Passion and Collective Desire: Our staff, having lived experience around involvement in gangs, serious youth violence, county line, CSE, CCE & trauma. Bring a passion and collective desire to ensure that the young people they work with do not follow the same destructive path. This commitment is a powerful motivator for positive change. 

Pro-Social Modelling: The pro-social modelling approach involves presenting the staff members as role models who have successfully navigated away from the often glamourised narrative of gang culture and criminal lifestyle. This alternative narrative is crucial for influencing positive choices. 

Alternative to Glamourised Narratives: By drawing from their own lived experiences, the staff members offer an alternative to the often glamourised portrayal of gang culture. This is essential in challenging and reshaping perceptions that might contribute to the allure of such lifestyles. 

Success Where Conventional Approaches Fail: The mention that the pro-social modelling approach has enjoyed success where conventional approaches have failed underscores the effectiveness of incorporating lived experiences into intervention strategies. 

This approach reflects a commitment to authenticity, empathy, and a genuine connection with the individuals being supported. It recognises the transformative power of personal narratives and provides a tangible and relatable model for positive change.

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Transparent Fees

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Great Track Record

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Why We Are The Best

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