Help us develop our services, by giving feedback on your most recent interaction with On The Verge.
Use the most relevant topic to you; Assemblies, 1-to-1 Mentoring, Group Work Session, Parent/Career Session or Professional Session.
"The children have a greater understand of the risks posed to them"
"Appropriate and professional, I was very impressed with your delivery and humbled by your story"
"Gang presentation was very positive, confident and very engaging with all pupils in the class"
"The pupil now present more open to talk about gangs/weapons, and the children who are accessing 1:1 sessions, present as more confident and self-reliant"
"The whole assembly presentations have been positive. Staff gained knowledge and spoke highly of your presentation skills."
"Friendly and approachable. I work in a very challenging school but all 3 were able to engage all pupil's, they remained calm. They were so confident in their delivery and so open to sharing their experiences which was greatly appreciated by our pupils. They were able to relate to all 3 testimonies and I really think they made pupil question their choices and decision"
"The assemblies led by the faciltator were superb and were very well recieved. The match to the content was prefect and students really engaged with the presentation and with the facilitator. I noted several staff on the day speak and thanking him, one of which stated it was "The best assembly I've seen". I also overheard several Y8 tables at lunch discussing the assembly"
"I wanted to email to say how incredible the assemblies were today. His presentation was fantastic & his professionalism exemplary - all staff were so impressed. More importantly, our students were incredibly engaged and got a great deal from the session"
"Excellent session delivery. Demonstrated expert knowledge and was able to use relevant examples to break down key themes i.e. grooming, realities and consequence, closing in on county lines".